Audio filters

Band pass

This filter resolves the input audio signal into harmonic tones of different frequencies. It allows you to suppress frequencies lower than a specified frequency (so-called high-pass filter) or higher than a specified frequency (low-pass filter). The output audio is the superposition of the remaining frequencies.

Note that an audio signal sampled with frequency samplerate can contain only frequencies from interval [0, samplerate/2].

This operation might be useful e.g. to reduce the noise present in audio signal - it is a common wisdom that this can be achieved by low-pass filtering with a suitable frequency.

GUI dialog description

To perform the high-pass filtering, check the Minimum frequency option and enter the frequency in Hz. To perform the low-pass filtering, check the Maximum frequency option and enter the frequency in Hz. It is possible to do high-pass and low-pass filtering at the same time (check both options).

Network parameters

The following table lists the filter's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.62. BandPass parameters

audiofilterBandPassfilter nameyes
min_freqnonnegative integerhigh pass frequencyno
max_freqnonnegative integerlow pass frequencyno

Implementation notes

This plugin uses the FFTW library to compute the fast Fourier transform of audio blocks. The result of FT is an array of coefficients corresponding to different frequencies. The coefficients outside the range [min_freq, max_freq] are replaced with zero and the inverse FFT is calculated.

Number of channels

This filter can change the number of audio channels from mono to stereo and vice versa. In the former case it just copies the original channel, the latter case averages the two channels in a single one.

GUI dialog description

Simply select mono or stereo to produce the desired output.

Network parameters

The following table lists the filter's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.63. Channels parameters

audiofilterChannelsfilter nameyes
channels1 or 2mono or stereo outputno

In case you don't specify the channels parameter the filter does nothing.


Simulates the echo effect when the decayed reflected sound interferes with the original signal.The reflected sound can be reverbed, i.e., it reflects, decays and mixes again and again. "Surround effect" is be created when the echo from the left channel is mixed with the right channel, and vice versa. Also, in stereo a different sound can be obtained if the reflected wave is inverted.

GUI dialog description

The dialog allows you to choose the channel(s) from which the sound will be reflected, set the length of delay (in seconds), i.e., the time it takes the sound to reflect and return back, the amount of decay (percantage of original signal), i.e., the ratio between the amplitudes of the reflected sound and the original one. It's also possible to turn on the reverb, surround and invert effects.

Network parameters

The following table lists the transition's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.64. Fade parameters

ParameterValuesDescriptionRequiredDefault value
audiofilterEchofilter nameyes 
channels"left" or "right" or "all"source channels of the sound that is reflectedno"all"
delayreal (0.001, 10)time between the original signal and the reflectedno0.1
decayreal (0, 100)ratio of amplitudes of reflected signal to original signalno0.333 (a third of original)
reverbboolean (0 or 1)reverb the echoed signalno0 (reflect just once)
surroundboolean (0 or 1)swop the channels in reflected signalno0
invertboolean (0 or 1)invert values in reflected signalno0


This filter resolves the input audio signal into harmonic tones of different frequencies. One can amplify or weaken different frequencies by specifying a table E[f] (called the equalizer function), which means that frequency f has to be multiplied by a factor E[f]. We are usually interested in continuous equalizer functions - in this case, it is reasonable to specify only a few function values E[f] and interpolate the other; this filter uses linear interpolation.

Note that an audio signal sampled with frequency samplerate can contain only frequencies from interval [0, samplerate/2].

GUI dialog description

The dialog displays a sequence of sliders which represent particular frequencies - they appear in increasing order and cover the range which a human ear can perceive. The initial setting is the identity equalizer function, i.e. E[f]=1. However, the dialog uses the decibel scale and therefore E[f]=1 corresponds to 0 dB amplification. Move the slider up or down to increase or decrease the value E[f]. You can always switch back to the identity equalizer function by clicking the Set defaults button.

Network parameters

The following table lists the filter's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.65. Equalizer parameters

audiofilterEqualizerfilter nameyes
pointspositive integernumber of equalizer control pointsyes
functionstring of whitespace-separated integerslist of equalizer control points, exactly 2*points integersyes

The function parameter allows you to specify more general equalizer functions than the GUI dialog. It is a string in format f_1 E[f_1] ... f_n E[f_n], where f_1 < ... < f_n and n is the number of equalizer control points (equal to the parameter points).

Implementation notes

This plugin uses the FFTW library to compute the fast Fourier transform of audio blocks. The result of FT is an array of coefficients corresponding to different frequencies. Each coefficient is multiplied by a factor which is determined by interpolating the equalizer function values. The inverse FFT is then calculated.


Normalization is an operation which scales the input samples in such a way that they cover the whole 16-bit range (note that OpenVIP always produces 16-bit audio).

This filter is a generalization of normalization - it enables you to specify the percentage of the 16-bit range the audio should cover.

GUI dialog description

It is possible to select the channel which should be normalized in case of stereo sound. One usually wants to normalize both channels (select All); however, it is possible to normalize only left or right channel, too. In addition there is the Independent option which has the following meaning: Independent toggled off finds the common maximal amplitude for both left and right channel and then scales both channels with the same factor. Independent toggled on normalizes left and right channels separately.

The Volume slider refers to the percentage of the 16-bit range that the output should occupy.

In case you switch the Dynamic option on, the normalization effect will vary from the initial setting (beginning) to the final setting (end). The last slider affects the speed of interpolation from the inital to the final setting.

Network parameters

The following table lists the filter's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.66. Normalize parameters

ParameterValuesDescriptionRequiredDefault values
audiofilterNormalizefilter nameyesyes
channelsleft, right, allchannel selectionnoall
separateboolean (0 or 1)normalize channels independentlyno0
factorreal from [0,1]volume factor (initial setting)no1
factor_2real from [0,1]volume factor (final setting)nofactor
ratepositive realinterpolation rateno1

Implementation notes

This is a two-pass audio filter: In the first pass it scans the whole audio track, in the second pass it performs the scaling.

Pan channels

This audio filter is capable of shifting stereo audio either to left or right channel.

GUI dialog description

The Balance slider specifies the amount of shift: 0 means no change, -100 mixes the right channel with the left (and leaves the right channel silent), 100 moves the sound completely to right channel. The other values just interpolate between the two extremes.

The Dynamic switch allows you to start with an initial shift setting and proceed to a final setting; the slider Rate then sets the speed of interpolation from initial to final setting.

Network parameters

The following table lists the filter's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.67. PanChannels parameters

ParameterValuesDescriptionRequiredDefault values
audiofilterPanChannelsfilter nameyesyes
shiftreal from [-1, 1]channel selectionnoall
shift_2real from [-1, 1]normalize channels independentlynoshift
ratepositive realinterpolation rate (1=linear)no1


Changes the sampling frequency of input audio.

GUI dialog description

The dialog allows to choose new sampling frequency (in Hz) and the type of interpolation used during resampling (nearest neighbor is quick, while linear interpolation reduces the danger of alias effects).

Network parameters

The following table lists the transition's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.68. Resample parameters

ParameterValuesDescriptionRequiredDefault value
audiofilterResamplefilter nameyes 
freqinteger > 1000new sampling frequencyno0 (retain the frequency)
interpolation"NN" or "linear""nearest neighbor" or "linear" interpolation of samplesno"linear"


This filter mutes the input audio.

GUI dialog description

The dialog allows you to mute either left, right, or both audio channels.

Network parameters

The following table lists the filter's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.69. Silence parameters

ParameterValuesDescriptionRequiredDefault value
audiofilterMutefilter nameyes 
channelsleft, right, allchannels to mutenoall

Swop channels

This filter simply exchanges left and right channel of a stereo sound. It makes no change to mono audio.

GUI dialog description

This filter has no settings.

Network parameters

The following table lists the filter's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.70. SwopChannels parameters

audiofilterSwopChannelsfilter nameyes

Volume change

Changes the volume of audio in selected channels. The changes may be dynamic and the rate of changes can be set.

GUI dialog description

The dialog allows to choose the channel(s) that will be affected as well as the factor multiplying samples of the original audio sound. If 'dynamic' box is checked, it is possible to set also the factor for the end of the audio. The actual factor is computed as an interpolation between these two and the rate of interpolation can be set. If factor is negative, the audio samples are inverted (e.g., factor = -1 reflects the wave about the time axis).

Network parameters

The following table lists the transition's parameters in network file format.

Table 4.71. Volume change parameters

ParameterValuesDescriptionRequiredDefault value
audiofilterVolumeChangefilter nameyes 
channels"left" or "right" or "all"channels affected by volume changeno"all"
factorrealthe factor the audio values are multiplied byno1.0 (retain volume)
factor_2realthe factor the audio values are multiplied by at the endnofactor (retain volume)
ratereal > 0the rate of interpolation of factorno1 (linear interpolation)